Thank you for your service on World Veterinary Day!


Saluting veterinary professionals around the world

This year’s World Veterinary Day (April 24) celebrated the essential work of veterinarians and other veterinary professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Companion animal veterinary teams have been working flat out in communities globally to protect the health and welfare of pets and reduce suffering. In so doing, they have also been playing a crucial role in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of their owners.

Veterinary teams are also providing an essential service in terms of supporting veterinary public health as they provide surveillance for diseases affecting both humans and animals. In some countries, they are also being called upon to assist in human COVID-19 vaccination drives.

WVD video printscreen

Watch her video here

WSAVA President Dr Siraya Chunekamrai says:

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I would like to pay tribute to the past year of global solidarity during which we, as an entire veterinary community, have continued to provide service and interface with pet owners and patients throughout the pandemic.[/blockquote]

Latest edition of WSAVA Podcast now available: On World Veterinary Day, our podcast host, Xavier Canavilhas talked to WSAVA Executive Board Member Dr Ellen van Nierop about her life as a veterinarian in Ecuador. Check it out here >>>


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