Welcome to 2021!


2021 will be another challenging year but your global veterinary community is here to support you. Stay connected because together we are stronger!

Coming back to work after the holiday season can be tough and perhaps never more so than this year. Let’s focus on the positive – here are some of the ways in which your WSAVA membership can help you this year:

  • Discounted or free access to some great CE resources, including our official practice journal, Clinician’s Brief, and our official scientific journal, the Journal of Small Animal Practice
  • Free access to congress presentations and courses on every topic you can think of via the WSAVA Academy
  • Free access to WSAVA Global Guidelines and other resources to give you best practice advice wherever in the world you are.

Check out a full list of the benefits we offer to our member associations and our individual members.

COVID-19 Resource Hub
If you’re looking for the latest advice and guidance on COVID-19 relating to your patients and your teams, check out our dedicated resource hub

Make 2021 the year you get the very best out of your WSAVA membership and participate to the full in our global veterinary community!

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Early Bird Registration extended to 31 May.

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We are only able to respond to inquiries form veterinary professionals. We encourage pet owners to contact a local veterinarian.