WSAVA AWWC Chair gives back to her community during the COVID-19 pandemic


Dr Melinda Merck starts working in her local grocery store – and finds her veterinary experience very useful!

Dr Melinda Merck is Chair of the WSAVA Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee. Her ‘day job’ involves assisting investigators of animal cruelty but, when she realized how COVID-19 was going to impact her community, she started looking for ways to help and is now working at her local grocery store where she is applying her veterinary skills for the benefit of those around her.

She says:

[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]I gave myself permission to explore other opportunities to connect with my community, discovering that all my career experience has been applicable to working at a grocery store during a pandemic! Staying connected and giving back in different ways has been fulfilling and I hope I can continue to do both veterinary forensics and work at our community grocery store as the world story unfolds.[/blockquote]


Dr Melinda Merck

To find out more about her change of direction, listen to this podcast she recorded for the AVMA.

You can also follow her journey on facebook.

Listen to “How Vets are Responding to Covid-19 pt 2” on Spreaker.

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