WSAVA Interview – Xavier Canavilhas 

Xavier is a Portuguese veterinary student and the host of the WSAVA podcast

Could you introduce yourself briefly to our members?
I’m based in Lisbon and currently finishing my Master’s thesis. I hope to qualify as a veterinarian in January 2022. I am a member of the youth team within the Portuguese veterinary association Ordem dos médicos veterinário (OMV), which is working to improve participation from younger veterinarians and students in the association to create a brighter future for the profession in Portugal.

WSAVA Interview – Xavier Canavilhas 

Could you introduce yourself briefly to our members?
I’m based in Lisbon and currently finishing my Master’s thesis. I hope to qualify as a veterinarian in January 2022. I am a member of the youth team within the Portuguese veterinary association Ordem dos médicos veterinário (OMV), which is working to improve participation from younger veterinarians and students in the association to create a brighter future for the profession in Portugal.

What early thoughts and hopes do you have for the direction of your career?
I hope that I can continue to pursue positive change in veterinary medicine. It has been my passion ever since I started college and this passion has only increased over time. It is vital to ensure that veterinary professionals around the world all have the best tools and the recognition, empathy and support they deserve.

As a member of the youth team at OMV, how would you characterise the state of the veterinary profession in Portugal currently?
I think that lack of unity is the key challenge. Some colleagues feel that they have a better chance of surviving alone, instead of trying to work with others in the profession to achieve a national consensus. If we work together, I believe it will be much easier to improve working conditions for vets. Besides, humans are social animals and a lack of community poses a threat to mental wellness and wellbeing in the profession.

You are involved in a project to create a central database of veterinary medicines in Portugal and a digital prescription solution. How is this going?
Great actually! We have started development of our Digital Prescription and all the support systems needed to ensure public health and governance. I think data science gives us an amazing opportunity to enhance patient care and ensure the safer use of pharmaceuticals, while monitoring and actively preventing antimicrobial resistance.

You are running an OMV project called Cheque Veterinário, which enables vulnerable families to seek veterinary care for their pets and which provides support for stray animals. Could you tell us about it?
I co-ordinate this project for OMV and it has been a success. We have helped more than 5,000 animals in just two years. We have also created protocols with almost 500 clinics all over Portugal and more than 25 municipalities are members of our ever-expanding network!

The WSAVA podcast is proving very popular – thank you! You have a passion for broadcasting and communication. What sparked this and why do you believe it is so important?
I’m really grateful for this opportunity, not only because it enables me to have conversations with so many amazing professionals from all over the world but also because I believe that if we open up about our experiences, we will reach other WSAVA members who identify with them. Sparking this connection may help us create a better future for our members, the animals we care about and for public health globally.

WSAVA Interview – Xavier Canavilhas 


What have you most enjoyed about running the WSAVA podcast?
For me it’s the moment when I stop being nervous and start to really enjoy an open and warm conversation with our guest.

What have you learned and has anything surprised you?
I have learned too much to explain but what surprises me every time is how much we all have in common. It doesn’t matter which part of the world we are in, whether we are in practice or the types of animals we work with. Veterinarians all share the same ideal of working for the common good and they sacrifice almost everything to do what they believe in. Vets are amazing animals!

What do you do outside work to relax?
I try to organize my life as well as I can but sometimes panic mode takes over! Whenever I do have some free time I just love being outdoors in the countryside. I also enjoy playing the piano, spending time with animals and reading. For me though, nothing compares to being absorbed with nature and letting go, even it’s just for a few minutes.

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