WSAVA Nutrition Committee is Looking for Two New Members

The Nutrition Committee is seeking two motivated, dedicated veterinary practitioners with a demonstrated interest in nutrition management in small animals.

Description of the committee’s work and goal

The purpose of the WSAVA Nutrition Committee is:

  • To enhance awareness among the veterinary healthcare team and the public for nutrition’s vital role in optimum pet health.
  • To advocate for nutrition as a key component in all veterinary and veterinary nurse/technician curricula.
  • To promote the importance of performing a nutritional assessment on every animal at every visit, and to make specific nutritional recommendations for each patient as an integral component of patient care.
  • To advance the central role of the veterinary healthcare team as the expert source of information for optimal pet nutrition.

Example of the Nutrition committee’s work is on the WSAVA committee webpage as are the WSAVA Nutrition Guidelines.

Detailed description of the desired candidates

  • Due to the global nature of the WSAVA and world importance of nutrition, it is recommended this committee consist of geographically and professionally diverse individuals interested in nutrition.
  • To maintain credibility within the profession and public community, Individuals employed within the pet-food industry may not be committee members.
  • Excellent English writing skills and time management skills.
  • Ability and willingness to work hard and cooperatively as a member of a small, dynamic, enthusiastic team.
  • Enthusiasm for the development of online educational information resources.
  • Preference will be given to applicants from Asia and Europe (excluding the United Kingdom and Ireland).

List of responsibilities from committee members

  • Attend and participate in face to face and virtual meetings.
  • Respond to electronic communications in a timely manner.
  • Ability and willingness to participate in effective and collegial committee interactions.
  • Have a special interest and understanding of small animal nutrition.
  • Ability and willingness to communicate as a speaker/presenter of such Nutrition Committee sanctioned information as needed.
  • Participate in Nutrition Committee projects.
  • Attend the WSAVA Congress.
  • Adhere to the WSAVA values and Code of Conduct.
  • Show evidence of ongoing engagement with committee functions. The membership will be reviewed yearly for diversity, participation, and productivity that performance, based on the responsibilities of a committee member detailed herewith and in the committee Terms of Reference (ToR) will be evaluated after a year by the chair.  If performance cannot be improved, the member may be asked to resign before the end of their term.

Remuneration for this role

All WSAVA committee members including the chairperson are volunteers. However, reasonable expenses occurred whilst carrying out WSAVA duties will be reimbursed, in accordance with our travel and expenses policy.

Time commitment

The tenure of a committee member is a maximum of three years with one extension possible. The average time required each month will be dependent on the committees’ activities, which may be more or less at certain periods of the year, or at times when the committee is actively working on project(s). Most committees will meet for one hour a month, in a virtual format. The Nutrition Committee may have one, sometimes two, face to face meetings per year. On average, you can expect to provide up to Three hours of time to the role each month.

Applicant process must provide the full documentation required below, in English, via this dedicated application link:

*All nominees for membership of any WSAVA committee/group are required to provide a letter of Good Standing from the WSAVA member organization of which they are a member. This requirement does not apply to nominees who are not members of a WSAVA organization (e.g. non-veterinarians) whose expertise may be necessary for specialist committees/groups. A person of Good Standing is defined as someone who has complied with all explicit obligations of the association and who is not subject to any form of sanction, suspension or disciplinary censure. This letter is not a recommendation from the association that the nominee is the best person for the position. WSAVA committee positions are not chosen by member organizations – the Committee Chair ultimately decides on the best candidate for the position and the choice is ratified by the Membership and Nomination Committee and the Executive Board. This letter indicates only that the WSAVA member association has no objection to the organisation of which they are a member. This requirement does not  apply to nominees who are not members of a WSAVA organisation (e.g. non-veterinarians) whose expertise may be necessary for specialist committees/groups. A person of Good Standing is defined as someone who has complied with all explicit obligations of the association and who is not subject to any form of sanction, suspension or disciplinary censure. This letter is not a recommendation from the association that the nominee is the best person for the position. WSAVA committee positions are not chosen by member organisations – the Committee Chair ultimately decides on the best candidate for the position and the choice is ratified by the Leadership and Nominations Committee and the Executive Board. This letter indicates only that the WSAVA member association has no objection to the nomination.

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