WSAVA Regional 2023 is Postponed


WSAVA regrets to announce that the regional congress planned for February 2023 is postponed.

The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) planned to host its first regional congress in Guwahati, India, in February 2023. While we have have been working hard with our delivery partners to create a ground-breaking event, external forces, particularly the recent imposition of new COVID-19 restrictions on those arriving in India from within the region, have had a significant impact on how we can deliver an event in line with what our community has come to expect from the WSAVA. In view of these challenges, the WSAVA has, with much regret, taken the decision to postpone the regional congress indefinitely.

WSAVA President Dr Ellen van Nierop said: “We’re committed to supporting our members across the Asia and Oceania region and we’re looking forward to our first regional congress soon. However, as a responsible association, we must respond to changing circumstances, even if this involves taking difficult decisions, such as this one.  We continue to work closely with our delivery partners to ensure our congresses remain industry leading, and we are excited to bring a variety of changes to the upcoming WSAVA World Congress in Lisbon, in September 2023.”

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