
The Nutrition Committee is seeking two motivated, dedicated veterinary practitioners with a demonstrated interest in nutrition management in small animals.
As the skills and insight of a pathologist are integral to the work done by the WSAVA Oncology Committee, the WOC is seeking to add a Veterinary Pathologist with experience and expertise in oncologic pathology as a member.
WSAVA is establishing a Standards Steering Committee (SSC) to oversee the development and launch of WSAVA’s Essential Standards for Companion Animal Veterinary Practices (ESCAVP)
Help us shape the future of companion animal veterinary care
We are seeking TWO new veterinarians to be members of the WSAVA Hereditary Disease Committee
2024 Congress

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Early Bird Registration extended to 31 May.

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We are only able to respond to inquiries form veterinary professionals. We encourage pet owners to contact a local veterinarian.