Association News

Below you will find detailed information on the election timetable and quorum contingency plan, a timetable of key meetings and social events, and recommendations on what to do before you arrive in China.
During their 91st Annual General Session, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), revised their international standards on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) enlarging their scope to include companion animals.
Dr Louis Liu, Secretary General of the Beijing Small Animal Veterinary Association and Vice President of the China Veterinary Medical Association is this year’s recipient of the 2024 WSAVA Award for Global Meritorious Service.
We are looking for new members to join our Executive Board. The purpose of the WSAVA's Executive Board is to oversee the activities of WSAVA and to make decisions regarding those activities.
Today it’s World Veterinary Day and we want to recognize the tireless dedication and work of our members.  
We held a Members’ Forum for our Sub-Saharan members in Nairobi, Kenya, in March.
Meet our new Digital Content Manager.
Final preparations now underway for the 49th WSAVA World Congress.
2024 Congress

Book Now

Early Bird Registration extended to 31 May.

Contact Us

We are only able to respond to inquiries form veterinary professionals. We encourage pet owners to contact a local veterinarian.